资讯 | 40余年与全球顶级设计媒体与年轻设计师为伍


她为国际顶级的米兰家具展工作超过40载,作为国际媒体总监及顾问经历过无数精彩和精美的设计内容报道,同时是米兰家具展卫星展SaloneSatellite 的发起人和策展人,多年来挖掘和提携无数全球35岁以下有才华的设计师。

一位精美杂志的深度爱好者,一位独具慧眼的“伯乐”,她就是 Marva Griffin。


关键词:2021 supersalone,米兰展卫星展,2022米兰展60周年,米兰展新任主席Maria Porro,中国创意人才出海

Key Words: 2021 supersalone, SaloneSatellite, 60th anniversary of Salone del Mobile, Mliano new President of Salone del Mobile. Maria Porro,Chinese creative talents outeaching.


米兰国际家具展(Salone Internazionale del Mobile)世界上最著名的家具及设计展之一。于1961年创立,最初旨在推广意大利家具硬装及软装出口贸易,经历了61年的发展,逐渐成为米兰作为世界创意设计之都的名片之一。

2022年6月的米兰展将迎来 2,000多家来自全球的参展商,期间,两年一次的展览EuroCucina(国际厨房家具展)及其附展FTK国际厨房家具展和国际卫浴展(International Bathroom Exhibition)、国际软装配饰展(International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition)和国际办公家具展工作环境双年展(Workplace3.0)将提供众多美学创意,承载品质与创新,将美的产品呈现给世界。



2022年米兰国际家具展官方海报 2022  Salone del Mobile.Milano Poster ©米兰国际家具展组委会

One minute brief introduction

Salone del Mobile.Milano

Salone del Mobile.Milano, one of top design fairs in the world, was founded in 1961 as a vehicle for promoting Italian furniture and furnishings exports and soon became the most keenly awaited event in the world of furniture. After over 60 years development, it has become part of the Milan’s  identity as world capital of creativity.

In 2022 Salone del Mobile.Milano,will involve more than 2,000 exhibitors. The Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, S.Project and Workplace3.0 will offer a great many aesthetic avenues, in which the protagonists are products of quality and research. 


SaloneSatellite is the platform to bolster the ties between research, design and industry. Open to designers under 35, it aims to facilitate the relationship between businesses and young designers preparing to enter the profession and the market, post-study. The exhibition of selected designer’s works and award-ceremony of  SaloneSatellite will take place during Salone del Mobile.

关于 Marva Griffin Wilshire


Marva 出生于委内瑞拉,当她开始在设计和家具软装领域工作时,米兰这座城市成了她的第二故乡。

- 她负责米兰国际家具展的国际媒体部

- 1998年,她创办了米兰国际家具展卫星展,一个面向年轻设计师、国际设计学院和大学学生的展示平台   

- 2005年创建了莫斯科卫星展,2016年创建了上海卫星展

- 2014年获得意大利工业设计协会(ADI)颁发的“金罗盘奖”终生成就奖

- 2016年被意大利外交部及其他相关部门任命为“意大利设计大使”

About Marva Griffin Wilshire

Marva was born in Venezuela, and Milan became her city when she started to work in the field of design and furnishing.

- In 1998 she founded SaloneSatellite, a showcase for young designers and students from international design schools and universities

- In 2005 created SaloneSatellite Moscow and in 2016 SaloneSatellite Shanghai


- In 2016 was named Italian Design Ambassador by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other related Ministries.


SaloneSatellite 2019    © Ludovica Mangini

Q1:去年9月的 supersalone对您来说是怎样的体验?

How was last September’s supersalone for you?

A1:2021年 Salone del Mobile(以下称为Salone)特别活动 supersalone 的筹备工作于去年5月底开始,我们真的只有几个月的时间来组织,比起一般在4月份正常举行的Salone 我们的准备时间比往年少得多。

这次的准备工作有所不同,因为这次活动是建筑师斯蒂法诺·博埃里先生第一次作为策展人,他也是米兰三年展的主席,这意味着米兰展的组织者必须以前所未有的新形式与博埃里先生的国际合作团队进行对话和合作。在Fiera Milano, Rho(展览中心的名称)的展场上,展览按照主题区域和行程被分割开来,比如知识共享讲座场、专门用于商业会谈的会议场、设计学校的年轻学生作品展示场。因为去年没有卫星展,所以博埃里团队的一位策展人负责组织起一个项目,称之为“消失的毕业展”,她邀请了一些国际上知名的设计学校,展示他们毕业生的近期作品。这是非常好的展览,我也是该项目的评审团成员之一,获奖者将于2022年的卫星展上展示他们的项目。


The preparation for the supersalone, the special 2021 event of Salone del Mobile.Milano, began at the end of last May. We really only had a few months to organize it. Compared with the usual Salone held in April, our preparation time was much less than in previous years.  The preparations for this time worked differently, because for the first time Salone has a curator, Mr. Stefano Boeri, who is an architect also the president of Triennale Milano (or Milan Triennial). This meant that the Salone’s organizers had to dialogue and constantly work with Stefano and his international team of collaborators in this unprecedented new format, different than ever before. The display in the fairgrounds at Fiera Milano, Rho (the name of the exhibition center) was cross pollinated and the exhibition is divided according to the themed areas and itinerary, like conference halls dedicated to business talks and knowledge sharing, and exhibition halls to promote the works of young design students. Because there was no SaloneSatellite exhibition last year, a curator of Boeri's team created a project called "The Lost Graduation Exhibition".  She invited a number of internationally famous design schools to show recent works of their graduates. And there was a beautiful exhibition, a jury of which I was also a member. The winners will be showing their projects at SaloneSatellite in April 2022.

Given the complex global backdrop of supersalone, we were also committed to the realization of the new Salone del Mobile.Milano online platform. This was very important because we designed it to promote the Salone and to put the user at the core of the event before, during and after their business. I must say a great deal of effort has gone into the supersalone, along with a huge sense of responsibility, in order to protect the health and safety of exhibitors, a professional visitors and the general public alike. We have also devoted considerable resources to preventing the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, with special attention to organizing the exhibition space, guiding the correct visitor behavior, and monitoring the ebb and flow of traffic.
So health and safety was taken extremely seriously by the Salone organization.


How are the working conditions now in Italy?


Conditions are getting better and better, thanks to the vaccination campaign. We are completely out of the emergency situation and as of today, there are less restrictions and by the end of April we should go back to normal life.


2022年米兰国际家具展官方海报 2022  Salone del Mobile.Milano Poster ©米兰国际家具展组委会


You have done some new things in regard to the international press. So there's the online “Magazines From The World” you launched. I wonder whether there has been any other new developments in media reporting.



The feedback we received was incredible. A considerable number of magazines are very, very interested in supersalone and all participating brands. We have huge books of all the news clippings we have gathered, which are very, very interesting, and they continue to appear. To some extent, I am very happy because I am an in-depth fan of paper (media) and am seriously "addicted" to magazines. I want to touch the fine print.  I know how to read online articles with iPad, but I don't want to stay in front of the computer all the time.
Three or four years ago, there was all these talks that the digital (media) would kill the print media, but that was not the case. I am so happy because every other week I receive a new magazine. By the way, the magazine was beautifully made, beautifully designed with very, very interesting subjects. So this is for me is very, very important.

I wish to inform you that Salone del Mobile.Milano Press Conference took place on March 16th very successfully, where we had a lot of journalists in presence from different countries and more than 2,500 followed the event online.


I guess online outreach has its pros and cons, especially in China the way people’s reading habits are changing so fast. What do you think of change in communication?  Besides the furniture fairs and design exhibitions of prior years, this year there was also a design film festival. It's a very dynamic video content. While the majority of the world’s population can't partake in this, how do you let others know and take interest in this dynamic content?


传播方式已经发生了巨大的变化,尤其是在这两年里,正如我们刚才所说的,这场新冠的流行使数字媒体占据了主导地位,所有人,尤其是年轻人都习惯了在线工作或者学习,因为他们在学校学习的时候就是这种方式。我在上学的时候就没有用电脑,这就是我能慢下来的原因,因为我不想跟着电脑的节奏走。但重要的是,我们需要与这种计算机化的生活和工作方式共存。我们于9月的supersalone期间就开始了这种工作方式,我们团队中有位非常聪明能干的人,Annalisa Rosso,她负责每天更新线上米兰展线上平台的内容,更新设计界发生的重要事情。我必须说,这就是我们如何能够不断提供信息,我们的沟通如何能够不断进步。

I understand that clearly but you know that I am a night reader. I go to bed early at night and then I wake up in the middle of the night and read for an hour or two (exquisite books or magazines).  I love that I can see what is really beautiful. It’s relaxing.

Great changes have taken place in the mode of communication, particularly in the past two years, thanks to the  pandemic. As we were saying, digital media has taken over the world,  as everyone, especially young people, are used to working or studying online, because they learn in school.  I didn’t use a computer at school. That’s why I can slow down because I just don't want to follow the computer’s tempo. But it's important nonetheless that we coexist with this computerized way of living and working. So this has helped a lot. As you have said, your magazine and all the other magazines now have an online content. We started this way of working in September, during Ssupersalone, (announcing) the Salone del Mobile.Milano launched a digital project. You have received our press kit which is very important. We have a very smart person, Annalisa Rosso, who directs this project. She's updating the content of the online digital platform and the important things that happen in the design industry every day. So this is what is new. This is how we can continue to provide information and how our communication can continue to improve. I must say.

Q5:从线上媒体发布会上我们获知,本届米兰展将于2022年6月7至12日举行,“包容性和可持续性——创造力与活力的催化剂”是本届的主题,为了庆祝米兰展60年华诞,一个名为“设计与自然同在”的装置由Mario Cucinella来设计,与S.Project一起都位于15号馆,讲述了一个良性的生态系统,理想地代表了未来的家居生活,同时600名35岁以下的年轻设计师会参与“为我们的未来而设计”的卫星展,还有各种论坛等,内容特别地丰富。

During the online press conference, we learnt that this year “Inclusive, sustainable, a catalyst for creativity and energy” will be the theme, there will be celebration of the 60th edition of Salone, an installation, “Design with Nature”, by Mario Cucinella, 600 young designers will join SaloneSatellite exhibition  called to "design for our future selves" and a new programme of Talks, it is a lot to cover and discover.

A5:我会一直祈祷这个计划不会再有变化,希望米兰展能够如期举办。我们每天都在认真地做准备。今年我们会庆祝米兰展的60周年,我们的营销和商务部今年一直在筹备这些特别的庆祝项目。我们会有正常的Salone del Mobile,然后双年展项目将是EUROCUCCINA,即厨房用具展,国际软装配饰展和浴室洁具展,当然还有S.Project 和卫星展。S.Project是在2019年我们提出的一个新项目。设计师非常有趣地,有品位地将来自不同品牌的产品混搭在一起,结果获得出乎意料的巨大成功。来参展的室内设计师和软装设计师、建筑师都非常喜欢这个项目,因为他们可以发现自己项目上所需要的一切:纺织品、家具、照明等。所以无论他们的工作是什么,S.Project都能辅助他们完成设计,今年这个项目也会继续。

Let’s keep fingers crossed. Salone del Mobile.Milano is scheduled to be held from the 7th to the 12th of June 2022. We are working seriously and daily on this program. In addition, this year we will celebrate Salone’s 60th anniversary, which was supposed to be in 2021, because Salone del Mobile was born in 1961. The Marketing and Commercial division has been working on all the projects this year for Salone del Mobile, together with Eurocucina, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, the International Bathroom Exhibitions, S.Project and SaloneSatellite.

In 2019, we proposed a new project called "S project". It is very interesting that the products of a group of companies with different brands are mixed together, which was an incredible success. Interior designers, interior decorators and architects all liked this project very much, because when they walk there, they can find everything they need--textiles, furniture and lightning--so no matter what their work is, "S project" completes their interior design project. This project will continue this year.


S.Project 2019  ©米兰国际家具展组委会 


Will the fair in 2022 impose any restrictions on the number of participants?


Yes, there will be. If you look at the current records, Italy has the largest number of vaccinations in Europe. Recently our President said that 90% of Italian citizens were vaccinated. This is very, very important. While in Germany, their chancellor said the epidemic prevention and control was a disaster. Many countries had also been completely locked down for most of the time. But thank God that we are more or less okay. So we hope that people would be careful, otherwise, like last Christmas, we all had to be isolated, which was very sad.


Given the frequent lock-downs, how do you plan, if not already started, to reach out to the young Chinese creative professionals as well as young Chinese mass market consumers?

A7:这是我非常抱歉的事情,因为我特别喜欢这一点。当我开始在海外比如中国上海筹备米兰展上海卫星展的时候,我开始真正接触当地的年轻设计师们。我真的很怀念这件事,我很难过不能继续做这件事。因为在中国,我发现年轻人中有如此多的创造力,他们也喜欢卫星展,喜欢来看卫星展评奖。现在,他们甚至连学校都不可能去。但不管怎样,我和一些学校保持着联系,我和张雷有很多联系。他的合伙人Jovana 和 Christoph与他的合作伙伴在余杭建立了他们的材料和工艺图书馆。Steven Ma和他的3D打印Xuberant。希望六月我们能再见面。

This is something I am very sorry about because I loved it. When I started preparing overseas SaloneSatellite in Shanghai, China, during the Salone del Mobile Shanghai fair, I started getting to know the local young designers and discovered that there was enormous creativity among them. They also like SaloneSatellite exhibitions and the Award competition. However, I keep in touch with some schools. I have a lot of contacts with many designers that have participated to SaloneSatellite in Italy such as Zhang Lei and his partners Jovana and Christoph, well known for their materials and crafts Library in Yuhang, Steven Ma with his 3D printing Xuberance, and many more.

We are hoping to see each other in June.

SaloneSatellite 2016-2017   ©Andrea Mariani

SaloneSatellite 2018-2019    © Ludovica Mangini

Q8:您能告诉我们与新的米兰展主席 Maria Porro 合作的情况吗?

What can you tell us about your collaboration with Maria Porro, the new president of Salone del Mobile?

A8: 我们与新主席 Maria Porro举行了多次会议。她的英语说得非常好,她是一名 screen 设计师,在加入自己家族的公司之前,一直与奥运会创意总监Marco Balich 工作。Marco 是意大利人,一直工作在世界各地的奥运会组委会,比如中国的奥运会、美国的奥运会、伦敦的奥运会,她是Marco的得力助手,一起工作了十年。


We had meetings with our new president, Maria Porro.

She speaks English very well. She's a screen designer. Before joining her family company, she had been working with Marco Balich. Marco is an Italian who has been creative director of the Olympic Games and has been organizing for the Games worldwide. For ten years, Maria was Marco’s right-hand person for the Olympic Games in China, in the United States, and in London. She is incredible.  Now we're busy preparing for the Milan exhibition in June. The theme of this session is “Inclusive and Sustainable”. Everyone is talking about Sustainability and the FederlegnoArredo has just issued a manifesto on it. So it's very, very interesting what's happening and what will be happening.  The future development will be worthy of attention.

Not long ago, we held a preparatory meeting for the Salone  exhibition. This session is very interesting because we had to summarize the workload of the three SaloneSatellite.  Because it did not take place in 2020 nor in 2021, and now it is 2022, we need to integrate the works of contestants within three years, over 600 of young designers from all over the world have entered the final stage of the competition.

I hope you will be able to fly over and see it for yourself.


2022年米兰国际家具展官方海报 2022  Salone del Mobile.Milano Poster ©米兰国际家具展组委会

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